What is Weather History?

Weather plays a significant role in everyday life. It’s a frequent topic of small talk, can be stressful to farmers, and build excitement to storm chasers. The weather has even played a significant role during significant events in history. So what is weather history?

Historical weather covers everything from record high and low temperatures, crippling blizzards, usual warm temperatures during the coldest part of the year, rare waterspouts off the New England coast, or perfect weather conditions on your wedding day. Anything weather-related today becomes history tomorrow.

This blog will highlight some unusual significant weather and disaster events in the USA and the world. Multiple sources will be used to gather information about each historical event. Please note, while new calendar days are not published, new stories are still be added to the database.

Do you have a weather history event to add? Please feel free to contact us at weatherhistory2@gmail.com or on Twitter / Facebook!


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